88 Baby Names That Mean the Laugh for Your Newborn [2023]

Discover the significance of baby Names That Mean the Laugh. Explore a curated list of names meaning chosen one with their origin. Find the perfect name for your newborn.

Laughter is a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries, bringing people together through shared joy and merriment. In the realm of naming, choosing a moniker that embodies the essence of laughter can be a heartfelt and meaningful decision for parents or individuals.

Whether you’re seeking a name that reflects happiness, humor, or mirth, understanding the significance behind names that mean laughter can add a delightful touch to life’s narrative.

Unisex Names That Mean the Laugh

Asher: It is a unisex name for girls and boys of Hebrew origin, The meaning of this name is “happy” or “blessed”.

Blythe: It is primarily a male and female name of English origin, The meaning of this name is “happiness”.

Cai: It is a unisex name for girls and boys of Chinese origin, The meaning of this name is “cheerful” and “optimistic”.

Eden: It is primarily a male and female name of Hebrew origin, it signifies “delight” or “paradise”.

Felix: It is a unisex name for girls and boys of Latin origin, it signifies “happy” or “fortunate”.

Hani: It is a unisex name for girls and boys of Arabic origin, it signifies delight”.

Jovi: It is primarily a male and female name of Latin origin,  it means “jovial” or “cheerful”.

Kiran: It is a unisex name for girls and boys of Hindi origin, it means “ray of light” or “beam of the sun”.

Mason: It is a unisex name for girls and boys of French/English origin, it means “one who works with stone” or “builder”

Owen: It is a unisex name for girls and boys of Welsh origin, it symbolizes “young warrior” or “well-born”.

Perry: It is primarily a male and female name of English origin, it symbolizes “pear tree“.

Shai: It is primarily a male and female name of Hebrew origin, it means “gift”. 

Tate: It is a unisex name for girls and boys of English origin, Signifying “cheerful” or “joyful”.

Baby Boy Names That Mean Laugh

Abban (Irish): Derived from the Irish word “aibhne” meaning “laughter,” Abban reflects the joyous and cheerful spirit often associated with laughter, making it a meaningful choice for a boy’s name.

Asher (Hebrew): Signifying “happy” or “blessed,” Asher embodies the essence of joy and mirth, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a name that resonates with positivity and laughter.

Bennet (Latin): Derived from the Latin word “benedictus,” meaning “blessed,” Bennet conveys a sense of happiness and contentment that aligns with the spirit of laughter, offering a timeless name for boys.

Elio (Italian): Representing “sun” or “sunshine,” Elio symbolizes the radiance and warmth often associated with laughter, making it a vibrant and spirited choice for a boy’s name.

Gil (Hebrew): Translating to “happiness” or “joy,” Gil encapsulates the sense of delight and cheerfulness inherent in laughter, offering a meaningful and uplifting name for a boy.

Isidore (Greek): Signifying “gift of Isis,” Isidore reflects the concept of joy and merriment, resonating with the spirit of laughter and positivity, making it an endearing choice for a boy’s name.

Kian (Gaelic): Meaning “ancient” or “archaic,” Kian represents the enduring and timeless nature of laughter, infusing a sense of depth and richness into the name for a boy.

Nash (English): Derived from the Old English word “hnaesc,” meaning “adventurous,” Nash embodies the playful and spirited essence of laughter, making it a lively and distinctive choice for a boy’s name.

Oliver (Latin): Signifying “olive tree,” Oliver reflects growth, abundance, and the lively spirit often associated with laughter, making it a popular and enduring choice for a boy’s name.

Raul (Spanish): Derived from the Germanic name “Radulf,” meaning “wise wolf,” Raul conveys the strength and resilience intertwined with the joy and mirth of laughter, making it a name of character and depth for a boy.

Tadhg (Irish): Reflecting the idea of “poet” or “philosopher,” Tadhg embodies the thoughtful and contemplative aspects often intertwined with laughter, offering a name that exudes wisdom and depth for a boy.

Wystan (English): Meaning “battle stone,” Wystan symbolizes strength and resilience, harmonizing with the vibrant and lively spirit of laughter, making it a distinctive and enduring choice for a boy’s name.

Yuri (Japanese): Representing “lily” or “abundant ideals,” Yuri conveys the purity and beauty associated with laughter, infusing a sense of grace and elegance into the name for a boy.

Zev (Hebrew): Signifying “wolf,” Zev embodies the strength and resilience often intertwined with the joyful and playful spirit of laughter, offering a name of depth and character for a boy.

Jovany (Spanish): Derived from the Latin word “jovialis,” meaning “jovial” or “cheerful,” Jovany reflects the vibrant and lively essence of laughter, making it a spirited and joyful choice for a boy’s name.

Girl Names That Mean Laugh

Abigail: It is primarily a female name of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of this name is “joyful”

Beatrice: It is primarily a female name of Latin origin, and the meaning of this name is “blessed” or “happy”.

Edith: It is a baby girl’s name, which originated in English origin, and the meaning of this name is “prosperous in war”. 

Felicity: It is primarily a female name of Latin origin, and the meaning of this name is “happiness” or “good fortune”.

Gwyneth: It is a baby girl’s name, which originated in Welsh origin, and the meaning of this name is “blessed” or “happy”. 

Hana: It is primarily a female name of Japanese origin, and the meaning of this name is “flower” or “blossom”.

Joyce: It is a baby girl’s name, which originated in Latin origin, and the meaning of this name is “to rejoice“.

Keiko: It is primarily a female name of Japanese origin, and the meaning of this name is “happy child” or “blessed child”.

Nara: It is a baby girl’s name, which originated in Sanskrit origin, and the meaning of this name is “happy” or “humming”.

Oriana: It is primarily a female name of Latin origin, and the meaning of this name is “dawn”.

Risa: It is a baby girl’s name, which originated in Japanese origin, and the meaning of this name is “laughter” or “smile”.

Tegan: It is primarily a female name of Welsh origin, and the meaning of this name is “fair” or “beautiful”.

Winifred: It is a baby girl’s name, which originated in Welsh origin, and the meaning of this name is “blessed peacemaking”.

Yuki: It is primarily a female name of Japanese origin, and the meaning of this name is “snow” or “happiness”.

Zara: It is a baby girl’s name, which originated in Arabic origin, and the meaning of this name is “princess” or “flower”.

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Names That Mean Laugh offer more than just a combination of letters; they carry the promise of happiness and optimism. Choosing a name that reflects the essence of laughter can be a meaningful step in fostering a positive and joyful outlook on life’s adventures. Embrace the spirit of laughter and let these names serve as a constant reminder to find joy in every moment.

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