100+ Baby Name That Means Pink for Your Newborn [2023]

Get a baby name that means pink from different origins of the entire world. These names meaning friend will help you for naming your newborn.

Welcoming a new addition to your family is a momentous occasion, filled with joy, anticipation, and love. Among the many decisions awaiting new parents is the choice of the perfect name for their bundle of joy. If you are looking for a name that encapsulates the gentle and affectionate vibes of the color pink, you’ve come to the right place.

From soft pastels to vibrant shades, the color pink is synonymous with tenderness and grace. This guide is designed to help you explore a diverse array of baby names that beautifully capture the essence of pink, ensuring your little one carries a name as unique and lovely as they are.

Baby Names That Mean Pink

Rosalind: It is a unisex name for girls and boys of German origin, The meaning of this name is “gentle horse; beautiful rose”)

Rosalyn: It is a baby boy’s name of English origin, It means “tender horse”)

Rosalie:  It is a unisex name for girls and boys of French origin, It means “rose”)

Rosamund:  It is a unisex name for girls and boys of German origin, It means “horse protection” or “pure rose”)

Roselyn: It is a baby boy’s name of English origin, It means “pretty rose”)

Rosalinda:  It is a unisex name for girls and boys of Spanish origin, the meaning of this name is “beautiful rose”)

Rosalina: It is a baby boy’s name of Italian origin, the meaning of this name is “little rose”)

Rosella:  It is a unisex name for girls and boys of Latin origin, the meaning of this name is “rose”)

Rosette:  It is a unisex name for girls and boys of French origin, it means “little rose”)

Primrose: It is a baby boy’s name of English origin, it means “first rose”)

Coralie: It is a baby boy’s name of French origin, it means “coral”)

CoralineIt is a unisex name for girls and boys of English origin, it means “coral”)

Azalea: It is a baby boy’s name of Greek origin, it means “dry” or “flower”)

Zinnia: It is a baby boy’s name of German origin, it means “Zinn’s flower”)

Fuchsia:  It is a unisex name for girls and boys of English origin, referring to the “vibrant pink color”)

Cerise:  It is a unisex name for girls and boys of French origin, The meaning of this name is “cherry”)

Mauve:  It is a unisex name for girls and boys of French origin, The meaning of this name is”purple”)

Lavender:  It is a unisex name for girls and boys of English origin, The meaning of “fragrant purple flower”)

Peony: It is a unisex name for girls and boys of Greek origin, it means “healing”)

Petunia: It is a unisex name for girls and boys of English origin, The meaning of this name is “of the petunia flower”)

Boy Names That Mean Pink

Phoenix: It is a baby boy name of Greek origin, This name signifies a mythical bird with colorful plumage.

Sorrel: It is a baby boy’s name of English origin. It refers to a reddish-brown color, often associated with shades of pink.

Rory: It is a baby boy name of Irish origin,This name means “red king,” and can be linked to shades of pink.

Blaise: It is a baby boy’s name of rench origin, It signifies “lisping” or “stammering” and can be linked to the softness associated with the color pink.

Rufus: It is primarily a male name of Latin origin,This name means “red-haired,” which can be associated with pink hues.

Garnet: It is primarily a male name of English origin, a gemstone that can be pink in color.

Fuchsia: It is primarily a male name of English origin, A purplish-red color named after the fuchsia flower.

Jasper: It is primarily a male name of Persian origin. This name means “treasurer,” and is often associated with gemstones, some of which have pink hues.

Robin: It is a baby boy’s name of English origin,A bird with a reddish breast, which can be linked to shades of pink.

Rose: It is a baby boy’s name of Latin origin, A flower that is commonly associated with the color pink.

Rowan: It is a baby boy’s name of Gaelic origin, This name means “little red one” and can be linked to shades of pink.

Salmon: It is a baby boy’s name of English origin,While not directly associated with pink, it is a shade of pinkish-orange.

Sandy: It is a baby boy’s name of Greek origin. It signifies “defender of mankind,” and can be linked to lighter shades of pink.

Sterling: It is a baby boy’s name of English origin,This name means “little star,” which can be associated with softness and delicateness, often related to the color pink.

Valentine: It is a baby boy’s name of Latin origin. This name is associated with love and affection, often linked to the sentiment connected to the color pink.

Carmine: It is a baby boy’s name of Italian origin,This name refers to a vivid crimson or purplish-red color, which can be associated with various shades of pink.

Ash: It is a baby boy’s name of English origin refers to the remains of a fire and can be associated with pale shades of pink.

Dusty: English origin,This name implies “covered in dust” and can be linked to lighter shades of pink.

Berry: It is a baby boy’s name of English origin: While not directly associated with pink, it can be linked to the sweet and soft nature often associated with color.

Coral: It is a baby boy’s name of English origin. This name refers to the hard skeletons formed by marine invertebrates and can be associated with various shades of pink found in corals.

Girl Names That Mean Pink

Rosalind (English) – Meaning “tender horse; pretty rose,” it embodies the delicate nature of the color pink.

Fuchsia (English) – Named after the vivid purplish-red flower, it directly references the color pink.

Coralie (French) – This name means “coral,” evoking the various shades of pink found in corals.

Primrose (English) – Signifying the flower “first rose,” it is associated with the softness and beauty of pink hues.

Zinnia (German) – Meaning “to bloom,” it can be linked to the vibrant shades of pink found in Zinnia flowers.

Magenta (Italian) – A vibrant shade of pink, this name directly represents the color itself.

Azalea (Greek) – Named after the colorful flower, it is associated with the various shades of pink Azaleas.

Senna (Arabic) – Meaning “brightness,” it can be associated with vibrancy and energy, often linked to the color pink.

Cerise (French) – This name means “cherry,” which can be associated with the deep pink shades of cherries.

Lavender (English) – While not directly associated with pink, it can be linked to the soft and delicate nature often attributed to color.

Rosemary (English) – Meaning “dew of the sea,” it signifies the freshness and purity often associated with pink.

Scarlett (English) – Signifying “red,” it can be associated with shades of pink that have a reddish undertone.

Sienna (Italian) – This name refers to an earthy reddish-brown color, which can be associated with certain shades of pink.

Amaranth (Greek) – Meaning “unfading,” it can be linked to the enduring beauty often associated with the color pink.

Peach (English) – While not directly associated with pink, it is a soft color often considered within the pink spectrum.

Coral (English) – Named after the marine invertebrates, it is associated with various shades of pink found in corals.

Heather (English) – Signifying a flowering evergreen plant, it is associated with soft pinkish-purple shades of heather flowers.

Blossom (English) – Meaning “to bloom or flourish,” it can be associated with the delicate and soft nature of the color pink.

Cherry (English) – Named after the fruit, it is associated with deep pinkish-red shades of cherries.

Peony (English) – This name is associated with the flower, which comes in various shades of pink, representing grace and beauty.

Final Words

Selecting a name for your baby is a heartfelt decision that reflects your aspirations, hopes, and love for your child. The journey of choosing a name that embodies the essence of the color pink unveils a world of enchanting possibilities, each name encapsulating a unique blend of charm, grace, and vibrancy.

Whether you opt for the subtle hues of Coralie, the boldness of Cerise, or the timeless elegance of Violet, each name resonates with the alluring beauty of the color pink in its own distinctive way.

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