75+ Baby Names that mean Poison or Poisonous Consider in 2023

Choose popular baby Names that mean Poison for your newborn. Here, you will get all the Names meaning Poison with their origin and popularity.

Names meaning “toxic” are frequently influenced by goth culture, nature, and horror. Poison is commonly used as a metaphor for corrupt beliefs and evil purposes.

I went to the snake’s den and carved out some of the most elegant names that mean poison, even though some might find the idea unsettling.

To help you out, we have listed down charming baby names for your newborn. These names meaning poison or venom in different cultures and languages.

So have a look at a name that means poison or poisonous to be considered in 2023 for your newborn.

Boy Names that mean Poison or Poisonous

Armitox: It is a beautiful name for boys of Latin origin. The meaning of this name is poison bearer.

Brhadvisa: It is one of the most famous names. It has Indian language and it means Extremely Poisonous. 

Fani: It is a very unique name. It has Latin origin and it means Free. 

Hemlock: It is an uncommon name, which comes from the bewitching nature. It means Hemlock. 

Halimaka:It is primarily a masculine name, mainly popular in Indian origin. It means Poison Spewing. 

Herik: It is a unique Gujarati originated name. The meaning of Ansel is Ruler of an enclosure home. 

Ivy: Ivy is the name for boys. It has English and Latin origins and it signifies vine. 

Mamba: The tribe name Mamba used for a  boy. The meaning of Mamba is forest cobra.

Rancor: Rancor is the perfect name for boys, which comes from French and Latin roots. It means  rancidity, grudge, rancor.

Spite: This name usually originated from middle English origin. The meaning is insolence, shame , ridicule , anger.

Veneno: It is a beautiful name for boys of Spanish origin. The meaning of this name is venom. 

Venom: It is one of the most famous names. It has Latin language and it means deadly substance, poison.

Viper: It is a very unique name. It has Latin origin and it means viper, possibly from vivus and parere.

Female or Baby Girl Names That Mean Poison or Vemom

Adikarah: It is a beautiful name for girls of Indian origin. The meaning of this name is The First Creator.

Agrippina: It is primarily a masculine name, mainly popular in Greek origin. It means born feet first.

Carcinogen: It is primarily a masculine name, mainly popular in Indian origin. It means a substance, organism or agent capable of causing cancer.

Corrosion: It is a unique English originated name. The meaning of Ansel is poison or poisonous, The process of being corroded.

Halima: It is one of the most famous names. It has Indian language and it means gentle or mild-mannered.

Mutagen: This name usually originated from English origin. The meaning is Anything that causes a mutation.

Pollution: Pollution is the name for boys. It has Latin origins and it signifies poison.

Radiation: The Latin name Radiation used for a girl. The meaning of Radiation is rays or beams emitted. 

Rafflesia: It is a very unique name. It has British origin and it means genus of parasitic plants native to Java and Sumatra. 

Solanine: It is an uncommon name, which comes from French origin. It means poisonous substance in nightshade. 

Teratogen: Rancor is the perfect name for girls, which comes from Greek roots. It means  any agent that causes an abnormality following fetal exposure during pregnancy.

Toxic: It is a unique Greek originated name. The meaning of Toxic is extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful.

Toxin: It is one of the most famous names. It has English language and it means Extremely Poisonous. 

Venom: It is a very unique name. It has Latin origin and it means deadly substance, poison. 

Types of Poisons

  • Arsenic 
  • Cyanide 
  • Lead
  • Mercury 
  • Pesticide
  • Phosgene
  • Ricin
  • Sarin
  • Strychnine 
  • Thallium 

Poisonous Animals

Poisonous animals cause poisoning if they’re eaten. Here’s a short selection of inspiration for names that mean poison:

  1. Barracuda 
  2. Blue-ringed octopus
  3. Blister beetle
  4. Cane toad
  5. Monarch butterfly 
  6. Poison dart frog

Poisonous Plants

These names that come from poisonous plants make great names that mean poison. I didn’t even know some of these plants were deadly.

  1. Aconite
  2. Anthurium
  3. Baneberry
  4. Belladonna 
  5. Bloodroot
  6. Bracken
  7. Buckthorn
  8. Cocklebur
  9. Death camas
  10. Foxglove 
  11. Hellebore
  12. Hemlock
  13. Henbane
  14. Hogweed
  15. Larkspur
  16. Mandrake
  17. Mistletoe 
  18. Monkshood
  19. Moonflower
  20. Moonseed
  21. Nightshade 
  22. Oleander 
  23. Pennyroyal
  24. Poinsettia 
  25. Poison ivy
  26. Poison oak
  27. Poison sumac
  28. Pokeweed
  29. Redoul
  30. Snakeroot
  31. Snowdrop
  32. Stinkweed
  33. Strychnine 
  34. Thimbleweed
  35. Windflower
  36. Wolfsbane

Venomous Animals

Did you know that venomous animals sting or bite to inject poison? Here is just a handful- their names make great inspiration for names that mean poison. 

1. Black widow

2. Brown recluse

3. Centipede 

4. Deathstalker scorpion 

5. Fire salamander 

6. Gila monster 

7. Komodo dragon 

8. Lionfish

9. Man o, war jellyfish 

10. Platypus

11. Snakes

  • Boomslang
  • Copperhead
  • Fer-de-lance
  • Mamba
  • Viper

12. Stingray

13. Tarantula 

Names of Famous People Related To Poison

Many people throughout history were poisoners or poisoned. Here are just a few to get you thinking:

  • Agrippina allegedly poisoned her husband, Emperor Claudius, with a mushroom.
  • Alan Turing died after eating an apple injected with cyanide.
  • Anna Marie Hahn, an American serial poisoner.
  • Demosthenes– poisoned Greek politician.
  • Lucrezia Borgia is an alleged poisoner who used a hollow ring to poison drinks with arsenic.
  • Nannie Doss, an American poisoner also known as Black Widow.
  • Paracelsus– the father of toxicology.
  • Romanus, Emperor of the Byzantine dynasty, died of poison.
  • Socrates– killed himself by drinking hemlock.
  • Vera Renczi, a Romanian woman who poisoned at least 35 people with arsenic.

Final Words

I hope you have read this article Names that mean Poison very carefully. I hope you get your desired name for your Newborn. If you have any suggestions regarding Baby’s name or comments, we will reply soon.

Congratulations once again!!!

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